Corita Kent. Art and Soul. The Biography.
From the day she joined the Immaculate Heart of Mary order in Hollywood in 1936, Sister Mary Corita’s vision expanded as a nun, art instructor, artist, and as an activist for social justice, distinguishing her from the norm of mid-twentieth century women, and certainly of other women religious. Chastity, poverty, and obedience guided Sister Corita, but so did a call to expressing herself in the wide, secular world of which she was a part. Once independent, Corita Kent shaped a renewed career, forged new relationships, and left—in her art and by her example—an enduring legacy of hope and love.
Corita Kent. Art and Soul. The Biography. is independently authored and published, and is not sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated with, the heirs of Corita Kent, the Immaculate Heart Community, or any other person or organization.
Angel City Press, 2015
#ISBN-13: 978-1626400207
“…a sumptuous but scholarly book that allows us to see in glorious detail how Kent’s artwork served her spiritual calling and, at the same time, ‘shook up an art establishment that didn’t quite know what to do with a nun’s bold interpretation of her society.'”
—Jonathan Kirsch, Jewish Journal (Read more)
“Every now and then but not often enough, a book that is desperately needed seemingly emerges out of nowhere. Once in an extremely infrequent while, said gem will also be such a remarkable specimen that readers want to expose its kaleidoscopic pages to the sky in belief that the color is powerful enough to brighten dark times. In some cases, the offering is also about Boston, and Corita Kent. Art and Soul. The Biography., out now on Angel City Press, is indeed such a significantly splendid volume.”
—Chris Faraone, DigBoston, July, 2015
Listen to April’s interview with John Rabe, host of “Off-Ramp,” Los Angeles arts/public affairs radio program.
Listen to April’s interview with Peggy Berryhill, General Manager of KGUA 88.3 FM and host of Peggy’s Place.
Read “Word Of Art: April Dammann’s Book About Corita Kent Is A Masterpiece,” April’s interview in DigBoston weekly magazine.